This is the area that will show
you how to actually make the cash. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT IF YOU DO
An affiliate program is a program that will pay you to place certain pictures
(more commonly known as banners) on your web page. What they actually
pay you for is a click through, or somebody actually clicking on the link.
Here are a list of affiliate programs you can sign up for to make money.
One thing about placing their adds on your web page is to make sure you
include a wide variety of adds unless you can find several good banners
for your category. Notice how the banners on this site are related
to making money on the internet. I would personally suggest joiing
all of these because they all have a good payout rate and are most probable
to earn the most cash.
Here is the list:
The first company I have listed for you is the best there is to offer! Click the earn cash button to make MUCHO CASH!!!
This company will pay you $1.00 for each click through.
Webmasters can make money!
This company will pay you $0.40 per hour just to be online,
but the will pay you $0.10 an hour for people you refer, and $0.05 an hour
for people they refer. You can make a whole lotta money with this!!!
Click the banner below!!!
This is a newer company that works out of the UK, but this one pays you the most per hour to surf the net! It also pays you more for the people you get to join!!! Click Here!!!
This is another good company that will pay you pretty
good, it is called ePIPO. Click
This is another company that will pay you for surfing
the web and it will pay you while the people you get to join surf!
Click the banner!
This is one of the first companies that started up with
the idea of paying you to surf the net. This is recomended by many
and now has over 2,000,000 members.
Click the banner!
These are several different programs that are all worth the while that are put out by a company called
You have probably heard of GoTo search... Now you can be their affiliate. Just click the "Make $$$ With GoTo" button on the advertisement.
MMLB is a mailinglist builder that will also pay you for
click throughs,
MGA: This is the best promotion service I have found,
is also is a good affiliate program. If you are looking for a way
to advertise this is the best there is!!! If you submit to the 6,000
searches for 29.95 they will submit you to an extra 5,000 more FREE!!!
That is 11,000 different search engines and catalouges that you will be
submitted too for only 29.95!
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