Now you will start to actually make you web page. The best way to start making a web page is by starting with the home page. The homepage is the page that your viewers first see. This page needs to be catchy and offer the surfer alot in one page. One thing that works well is to promote your most popular service and keep saying that it is so cheap or even free. Also, give your surfers the choice to have free tours or demos. Also, place you highest paying banner at the top or right in the middle of a viewers first seen area (Or the area that the viewer sees without having to scroll). It is also good to get a logo for yourself, I have found a particular service to be quite easy to use and very handy. This service is located at Place this right in the middle of the viewers first seen area. Your home page should also provide a description of what you do and a easy way to navigate throughout the web page. It is very important that you upload your home page as quickly as possible so surfers can see that your page exists.